For years, MJM Innovations has prided itself on being the leader of providing cost savings transportation software and management solutions to the Senior market for AAA’s, Senior Centers, Congregate Meal Sites, Home Delivered Meals and Home Care Services with our flagship product SeniorStat.
We have continued to innovate and improve SeniorStat’s ease of accessibility and benefits for its users with advances in the web portals, touch screen, tablet, smartphone and terminal options.
In our continuing research for what more we can do to serve this aging population, we learned that according to a Gerontological Society of America report that;
“Social connectivity and meaningful social engagement have long been heralded as important components of successful aging…and due to changes in life circumstances older adults are socially isolated with estimates up to 30% suffering from loneliness…which is linked to adverse physical, emotional, and cognitive outcomes.”
While seniors are slowly growing adaptors of technology and social networking sites that may address a lack of meaningful social companionship and support, unfortunately these public platforms also open seniors up to risk as they are often targeted victims of identity theft and other fraudulent schemes.
In addition, those seniors that do interact on social platforms may only do so with immediate family still isolating themselves from the community and local services as a whole.

The answer is SeniorSocial. A groundbreaking solution that combines the strength of social networking with a senior-friendly user experience into one simple but powerful member engagement app.
By improving senior’s total connection with the centers, their resources, activities, other seniors and the community in a safe secure environment, not only serves them but provides their centers and agency staff tangible oversight as well.
SeniorSocial makes it easy for seniors to now interact with their centers and their social support community- whenever and wherever with smartphones, tablets and on web portals enjoying the same features as the mobile app.
They can:
- View calendar and events
- Make reservations for Meals and Activities
- Exchange Messages
- Share photos and files
- Join groups and conversations
- Receive messages from the center and agency

…and combined with center services, like registering for meals and much more, allows the centers to offer, track and even expand services.
SeniorSocial works as a standalone solution OR as an integrated module of SeniorStat providing the time and money saving ways to capture, track and report the center’s services data electronically.
We’re excited to be able to address senior social isolation and bring this private social networking platform that makes it easy for seniors to stay connected with their centers services AND their community.